Add Disney’s beloved Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party to the list of COVID-19 casualties.

Can I just go cry somewhere! I get it though, I have a video I will share in another post and there is definitely ZERO way to social distance for fireworks and parades. It’s almost scary in a post-COVID environment when I go look at past pictures I have taken. Yikes!

I don’t know who is more upset about the cancellation of the MNSSHP (Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party)…. me, or my special needs child with Autism. He loves MNSSHP so much, that he starts asking to go to the “Party” as soon as the Christmas lights come down. It’s like he knows that first we have Halloween and then we have Christmas and after that, to him, it should be Halloween time again. 😉

Frequently throughout the year, he will start streaming YouTube videos of the Boo-to-You Parade and begs to go. This year, I was actually going to inquire about the sort-of-secret annual pass to the MNSSHP. I’ve heard there was such a thing and was going to try to find out if this was a real thing this year so that my little buddy could get his fill of the ‘party’ as much as possible.

But, alas…. the cursed COVID-19 has come in and really thrown a curveball at everyone’s plans, including our beloved favorite time of the year at Disney World and the Magic Kingdom.

Disney PhotoPass with the hauntingly fabulous grave diggers – 2019

I do not normally share personal photos on my websites, but, for this one, I could not help but share this image taken at the very end of the party in 2019. We were on Main Street USA and I begged my twins for one more picture, begrudgingly they obliged, and wow am I glad I did! This special effect photo was taken by Disney’s PhotoPass Photographer! Imagine my surprise when I checked my PhotoPass account and saw this ready for download. Queue up the squeal of excitement!!!

We will miss some of the fabulous offerings this year, but, no worries, because I have you all covered with tons of free wallpaper of the stunning castle show with Disney MNSSHP fireworks!!! I will post this in a future post. Be sure to sign up to be notified when they are released.

Mickey’s Not So Scare Halloween Party Castle show and fireworks – 2019

If you have purchased your tickets for the party already, be sure to contact your travel advisor to make sure Disney has refunded the money to you.

Until then, Happy Halloween in Spirit and stay safe so that next year we can have our beloved return of the Mickey Not So Scary Halloween Party in 2021!